Friday, February 04, 2011

a bright future

Long, long ago, I mentioned that we Nepalis make the news for very silly and almost embarrassing reasons.
Here's my case in point # 37.
Now I'll go hide under a rock!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

New PM, again

Since I've gone a year without writing anything here,  I figured I should pick an auspicious day to mark my return.
Boy, was this an auspicious day or what?
It was back home in Nepal and, honestly, I'm not sure if it really calls for much celebration.
After seven months and 17 attempts, the parliament has finally decided on a new Prime Minister.
Jhala Nath Khanal.
I don't think he's been the PM before (yes, we recycle our PMs over and over again) but he certainly was in the news recently. And for a very interesting and exciting reason!

...a year later

It's been a year since my last post...I've been thinking...