Thursday, June 19, 2008

it's been a while

i was hoping that the next time i wrote something here, i wouldn't have to start off by saying, "it's been a while." unfortunately, it has been a while. almost three weeks, to be exact.
while i haven't been writing, i have to be content that the time i've spent on the computer these past few weeks have been fruitful. well, to some extent.
i finally bought a car!! i've been eating , sleeping, drinking cars for a long long time. see, my brain's been so out of whack, i have to depend on cliche after cliche to get my point across. so after a long and draining search, i finally got one yesterday. nothing fancy schmanzy..just a plain simple hummer. ha!
relax, i didn't get a hummer.
all this while i've been using the bus. yes, you can survive in LA without a car. yes, they do have public transportation in LA. It's not the best, and definitely not very time efficient. it'll take you close to an hour and a half to get to a place that's just a 15 minute drive away, but you'll get there. eventually.
and you'll just have to spend another hour researching all the bus schedules to coordinate and plan your trip.
then, there was the apartment search. after a few weeks of it getting nowhere, we finally found a place. I've been crashing at my old roommate's tiny one bedroom apartment. the new place is not in the valley so i hope it's not going to be as unbearable during the long summer. so that's that.
and now, all i need is a proper job to pay for the car and the apartment!!

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...a year later

It's been a year since my last post...I've been thinking...